Madrigal Brass & May Meeting Notes

Here are the meeting notes from our May parent meeting!


  • Spring Band Concert

  • Band Banquet


      • Freshmen - Main Dishes

      • Sophomores - Drinks (No 2 liters please, individual beverages)

      • Juniors - Sides (Potato salad, fruits, chips, etc.)

      • Seniors - Desserts

  • Optimist Flag Fundraiser (STARTS THIS MONTH)

  • Meet the UTMP Staff

  • Upcoming Dates to Close the Year

  • Upcoming Dates for Summer

  • Upcoming Dates for Fall Marching Band

  • Band Trip Announcement

The biggest things needed moving forward are the following...

We need a chairperson for our OPTIMIST Flag Fundraiser (someone who is good with emailing and organizing small groups of people to plant flags in yards in Hampton)

Not mentioned in the slides is the bake sale that Meaghan Terry is heading up at the NEJH Bingo Fundraiser at Megehee Center on Thursday, May 18th. That's the night of our concert but we're looking for donations of individually packaged (can be homemade) baked goods to be dropped off on WEDNESDAY the 17th OR the morning of the 18th. Mrs. Terry will be at the booth, we just need to provide some baked goods.

UT Band Parent Meeting 5-23 by Michael Wawrzynski

UTMP Meeting


Quad City Open Volunteers